Mixed Blood Latino, Irish, Indigenous.

Poet, Playwright, Fiction Writer, Theatre Artist, Teacher, Musician, Family Man, Cancer Survivor, Citizen of the planet.

Follow the links above to written and performed versions of my poetry, music and more.

Welcome. Bienvenidos.


Roy Conboy

Hola. Don’t let the name fool you. I’m a mixed blood Latino Irish Indigenous American. By way of Los Angeles, American Samoa, Seattle, New Mexico, San Francisco, and Sonoma County. And for about 50 years (with more to come) I’ve been writing and making art.


In fact I've dedicated my life to telling stories - in many different genres and styles - about the extraordinary events in ordinary lives, often drawing from my own immigrant family, and my own mixed race being. As a teacher I've guided thousands of students into the realm of their own imaginations and creativity and helped them bring dreams to fruition.
